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Tag: fight ms with food project

New Study Links Diet and Microbiome with Multiple Sclerosis

A new study out of Brigham and Woman’s hospital in Boston and published in the Journal of Nature Medicine, relays exciting news that validates much of what I’ve been seeing in patients enrolled in the Fight MS with Food Project and our approach to managing autoimmune disorders like MS.

MS and diet and flora bacteria.
Manage Multiple Sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases through what you eat and how you digest your food.

Here is the link to a more detailed article about the study linking diet with MS, but below are some of what I find to be the most exciting points:

…the team found evidence that dietary changes and intestinal flora can influence astrocyte cell, a type of cerebral and consequently neurodegeneration.

Francisco Quintana, Spanish researcher who led the work, told SINC: “we have demonstrated for the first time that diet and intestinal bacteria collaborate to produce metabolites that travel through the circulation to the central nervous system to regulate inflammation and neurodegeneration.”

Or put another way, the food has some sort of role in the central nervous system through inflammation.  “What we eat influences the ability of intestinal bacteria to produce small molecules, some of which are able to travel to the brain. This opens an unknown area so far. How the intestine controls inflammation of the brain,” he added.

According to the authors, dietary supplements and probiotics may be useful to control processes that contribute to the pathology of neurological diseases. “Our studies were initially focused on multiple sclerosis, but also have implications for other diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s,” said Quintana.

If you’re interested in learning more about tailoring your diet and colonizing your own intestinal bacteria to best manage your autoimmune issues, please contact me for a free initial phone consultation to see if you would be a good candidate for this approach.

NMO Diaries: A Fight MS with Food Case Study

This case study in the Fight MS with Food project actually focuses on NMO, a disease that is often mis-diagnosed as multiple sclerosis. Just like MS, NMO is an auto-immune disease that may respond to customized changes in dietary habits.

Erin, a 32-year old mother of a toddler, was diagnosed with NMO in 2009. When she came to me she reported: “I have the torch feeling really bad in my feet. Pins and Needles all the time in my hands, legs, and feet. Fatigue is everyday. Headaches come and go. Nausea comes and goes. Banding around my rib cage. Tremors off and on.”

She was also very distressed that she had gained 100 lbs since her diagnosis. At only 5’2″, there was no way to hide it and she simply felt lousy most of the time.

We started her off on an herbal parasite cleanse to level the playing field, so to speak, before analyzing her blood for inflammatory triggers with the MRT (Mediator Release Test) and analyzing her urine for the state of her digestive tract.

Erin will tell you that the first two weeks of the dietary program weren’t easy, but after five months, her diet has greatly expanded and her dietary choices have become part of her lifestyle rather than a “diet”.

Even better, following the LEAP diet gave her the energy to start living her life again. Instead of feeling chronically fatigued, she now has energy to work out 4-5 times each week and has dropped almost 60 lbs. (Adding the workouts boosted her weight loss trend from 2 lbs per week with the diet alone to 3 lbs per week on average.)

As for her NMO symptoms, they have subsided significantly. She now only has the pins and needles feeling when she has accidentally ingested something she shouldn’t have, and it works as an early warning system alerting her to retreat  to her original safe diet until the symptoms abate.

But you should hear about it in her own words. Erin keeps a blog at where she and several others journal their lives with NMO. She has posted a video describing her dietary journey through The Fight MS with Food project protocols.

Give it a listen. Hearing her life-changing progress brought tears to my eyes. You may find it inspiring.

Here is part one.

Click here to watch part two of Erin and her NMO diet.

Could Multiple Sclerosis be a Parasitic Infection?

Dr. Steven Fry has discovered a previously unknown protozoa in the blood of patients suffering from MS and other autoimmune disorders such as lupus, ALS, and chronic fatigue.

Dr. Fry is not the first to suggest MS and other chronic conditions might be caused by a parasitic infection. In his research, Dr. Fry has found 75 medical papers dating back to the 1880s that discuss finding a malaria-like organism in blood from MS patients. Dr. Fry’s newly identified protozoa is malaria-like and may also be transmitted by a vector such as mosquitos or ticks. In fact, during a malaria outbreak in the 1920s, MS patients who were treated with anti-malarial drugs saw improvement in their MS symptoms. At the time, it was assumed this was because they also had an underlying malarial infection, and anti-malarial drugs did not continue as standard treatment for MS beyond the early 1930s.

Hematologic biofilm detection by the Advanced Stains test at Fry Laboratories.

Interestingly, this microscopic parasite creates a “biofilm”, or web-like fiber structures that build up into a sludge inside your veins, obstructing blood flow. Dr. Fry believes this is why CCSVI can be effective in slowing the progression of MS.

Not only has Dr. Fry mapped the genome of this newly-named protomyxoa parasite, but he’s also made an interesting observation from growing the parasites in petri dishes: they love fat. Fat makes them grow big and strong; withhold fat and they shrink. Finally a laboratory validation as to why Dr. Swank‘s classic low-fat/no-saturated-fat diet helped his MS patients and thousands since fare better with the diagnosis.

Dr. Fry does not know how to eradicate the parasite neither in a test tube nor in the human body, however, we start every client who joins the Fight MS with Food project on a gentle, herbal parasite cleanse. This herbal paraciticide regimen may or may not affect Dr. Fry’s protomyxoa, but within just a few months of completion most people feel increased vitality and wellbeing even before implementing any dietary changes.

My thoughts are that if you have a parasitic infection and you don’t address the parasites, there is only so much better you can ever feel. It can be frustrating to implement dietary changes without seeing results because parasites are getting in the way. My goal in the treatment of chronic inflammatory conditions is to eradicate the parasites and then begin healing the immune system by improving digestion, reducing inflammatory triggers through customized dietary modifications, and healing the gut. More than 80% of our immune system is based in the digestive system, and when you improve digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients, the body can move toward a state of health.