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Category: Parasites

Could you have parasites and not know it?

Oh yes. Absolutely. In fact, if you’re even asking this question the odds are high that you already sense that you may be infected with parasites. The Centers for Disease Control suspect millions of people are infected with parasites… and probably most have no idea. It’s really easy to pick up parasites just while going […]

How Parasites Contribute to Autoimmunity

If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition or experience chronic aches and pains, it is worthwhile to consider that you may also have an underlying parasitic infection. In my 12 years of clinical experience, I have found that most people suffering from autoimmune or chronic conditions — including but not limited to multiple […]

What If It’s Not Depression? What If It’s Inflammation?

I was recently interviewed by Dr. Achina Stein, a functional medicine psychiatrist, for her Vodcast, What If It’s Not Depression?  A “functional medicine psychiatrist”?! This means that she is a serious mental health professional who understands how our physical health affects our mental health, and explores  She has a book by the same name on […]

Parasites May Trigger Thyroid Issues Such As Graves’ or Hashimoto’s

The longer I run my clinic, the more convinced I am that hidden parasitic infection may be at the root of many chronic conditions. In this talk with thyroid specialist Dr. Eric Osansky, we discuss how parasites may be triggering symptoms of Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s.