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Tag: Glorious One-Pot Meals

Why Counting Calories is Not Everything When Dieting

Reader Question: I looked at the Nutritional information for Chicken piccata and the calories seem very high per serving.  It doesn’t seem too figure friendly to me.  – Barbara, Washington DC

Well, Barbara, I have to say that this is one reason why I fought to leave the nutritional information out of my new cookbook. You see, I believe in eating whole foods, NOT counting calories. When you eat real food, your body knows how to efficiently digest, absorb, and assimilate the nutrition available, and then eliminate anything extra.

I  believe healthy eating should be a lifestyle, not a “diet,” and I don’t know many people who can sustain a lifestyle over years and years that includes the arduous chores of counting calories, keeping a food journal, or tracking other arbitrary nutritional information. Where’s the pleasure in that?

Glorious One-Pot Meals Chicken Piccata recipe
Glorious One-Pot Meals Chicken Piccata recipe

I’ve found that a diet based on whole foods rather than processed foods allows the body to shed extra weight and find its natural equilibrium in a gentle, unconscious way. Of course, this is not the way you’re going to drop those 10 lbs before your reunion next month, but rather it’s a way of living and eating that builds overall health and vitality for the long run.

If you want to lower the calories in any Glorious One-Pot Meals recipe, including the Chicken Piccata, there is an easy solution: substitute water for the broth called for to hydrate the rice. The chicken broth is adding about half of the calories in the meal — along with some yummy flavor — but you’ll be just fine using plain water instead. Or, choose your broth wisely and look for organic brands that have less sodium and fewer preservatives. Everything else in that recipe is a whole food and will do good things for your body, regardless of your impression of the caloric count.  🙂

I believe food should be enjoyed and savored and appreciated, as well as being life-sustaining and healthy. People ask me all the time if I love cooking, since I wrote a cookbook. But the truth is that I love food and flavors and textures and eating delicious things with abandon; cooking, not so much. Glorious One-Pot Meals are such a great solution for me because everything in the recipes contributes to my goal of achieving robust health at a healthy weight.

Work + Play = Balance

I hope you all enjoyed the Martin Luther King holiday whether you responded to the national call to service and volunteered, or basked in the sunshine off a perfect ski day (like we did!). Part of living a healthy lifestyle means remembering to take time to feed your soul with good times and good friends and not spend all your time working or stressing.

I know that I can get sucked into the vortex of working around the clock, but when I do, my back seizes up, my wrists ache, I have less patience for my kids, and I lose my sense of humor. Not fun things. It’s important to take the time to pursue your passions and rejuvenate yourself. I have to remind myself that life should include time for play, too, even if you have to schedule it in. 🙂

My husband pointed out this cartoon to me yesterday. It’s a strip that we both read because of how true it rings to our lives: Pajama Diaries by Terri Libenson. As a working mother, I just have to share it with you.

The last thing I’ll share today is the exciting news that my new cookbook made the Denver Post’s Local Best Seller’s List this weekend. (Scroll down to see the NonFiction Paperback listing — I’m #3!) Yay!

Sweet Tart Chicken

I demonstrated my Sweet Tart Chicken recipe during the book launch party at the Tattered Cover Bookstore in Highlands Ranch on Saturday. It’s a recipe that has everything I want out of a one-pot meal — quick, easy, delicious, and nutritious — and it contains one of my current addictions: pomegranate molasses. Yum!

Sweet Tart Chicken Glorious One-Pot Meal
Sweet Tart Chicken Glorious One-Pot Meal

I wished I could have fed the pomegranate glazed chicken, potatoes, squash, Brussels sprouts, and mushrooms to all 85+ audience members at the signing, but it was nevertheless gratifying to have such an attentive group asking wonderful questions about healthy eating and making Glorious One-Pot Meals.

Pomegranate Molasses from the Savory Spice Shop

In the meantime, you can get the recipe for Sweet Tart Chicken here, and check out a video demonstration of the recipe below!

One of the questions was where do I find pomegranate molasses? I get mine at the Savory Spice shop, but I’ve seen it at middle eastern groceries and Whole Foods. I use it in a few recipes in the new Glorious One-Pot Meals cookbook and it’s always scrumptious.

Glorious One-Pot Meals on TV Today!

I just returned from shooting two live television appearances this morning — whew! What a whirlwind. And so much fun!

Farmhouse Pasta Glorious One-Pot Meal
Farmhouse Pasta Glorious One-Pot Meal

I debuted two never-before-demonstrated recipes from the new GOPM cookbook: Farmhouse Pasta (video) and Feta Shrimp with Roasted Tomatoes. At the moment of this posting, I do not see the Colorado & Company video up yet, but it would be worth checking back for it as it will take me a while to edit and post these videos and the recipes on my GOPM site.