I hope you all enjoyed the Martin Luther King holiday whether you responded to the national call to service and volunteered, or basked in the sunshine off a perfect ski day (like we did!). Part of living a healthy lifestyle means remembering to take time to feed your soul with good times and good friends and not spend all your time working or stressing.
I know that I can get sucked into the vortex of working around the clock, but when I do, my back seizes up, my wrists ache, I have less patience for my kids, and I lose my sense of humor. Not fun things. It’s important to take the time to pursue your passions and rejuvenate yourself. I have to remind myself that life should include time for play, too, even if you have to schedule it in. 🙂
My husband pointed out this cartoon to me yesterday. It’s a strip that we both read because of how true it rings to our lives: Pajama Diaries by Terri Libenson. As a working mother, I just have to share it with you.
The last thing I’ll share today is the exciting news that my new cookbook made the Denver Post’s Local Best Seller’s List this weekend. (Scroll down to see the NonFiction Paperback listing — I’m #3!) Yay!