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What do Celine Dion, Selma Blair, and Christina Applegate have in common?

Rampant inflammation.

While Selma Blair and Christina Applegate have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Celine Dion received a rare diagnosis of something called stiff-person syndrome. Both MS and stiff-person syndrome are considered autoimmune diseases, which means that an overactive immune system releases damaging inflammation that affects the nervous system. When making a specific diagnosis, doctors often look for evidence of immune system activity in how the patient presents, i.e., what are their symptoms, as well as the form of antibodies.

Even though both diseases often come with similar symptoms of balance, muscle stiffness, and muscle spasms, I believe that it matters less how the inflammation is manifesting and more that there is inflammation behind the symptoms.

Since most, if not all, symptoms are due to inflammation, a natural, functional medicine approach is to address the root cause of the inflammation rather than be distracted by whatever the symptoms may be.

The good news about this is that we can absolutely reduce the level of inflammation in our bodies simply by applying targeted dietary and lifestyle changes! If we get rid of the inflammation and the triggers that may be keeping you inflamed, then your symptoms will decrease or even disappear altogether.

Find the personalized solutions that will work to reduce inflammation for you in my virtual clinic — schedule a risk-free complimentary naturopathic health assessment today to see if I can help you get to the root cause of your chronic inflammation so that you can feel better tomorrow!

Do you follow me on Instagram? Recently I have been doing short reels and lives all about inflammation. Follow me on my newsletter in the pop-up box or by subscribing to this blog to learn about the many free opportunities that arise to talk about inflammation with me. See you there!

Redefining Autoimmunity and MS

Autoimmunity is an oxymoron!

If we break down the roots of the word, “auto,” meaning “self,” and “immunity,” meaning “allergic,” the word means “allergic to self.”

However, evolution says “nay, nay! Not possible!”

In this episode of “Inspired Living with Autoimmunity” with health coach Julie Michelson, we discuss why it is time to redefine autoimmunity and how a diagnosis should be a wake-up call to make big changes in our lives.


Multiple Sclerosis 101 and Lifestyle Tips for Reducing Inflammation

Listen in as host Rachel Smith of Natural Health Rising and I dig into the nitty gritty of what is multiple sclerosis, the connection to inflammation, and steps that you can take immediately to help yourself fare better with this disease.

We talk about how inflammation is the common root of most, if not all, symptoms, so whether you’ve been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis or with another autoimmune condition, or have been suffering from chronic symptoms without an official diagnosis, you’ll want to tune it to this interview.

If you have a family member, friend, or colleague who is chronically suffering, please pass this along to them and help them understand how much control they have over their own health!

Meditation As Effective As Anti-anxiety Drugs

Recently, the first study to directly compare medication to mindfulness meditation for treating anxiety found that the two worked equally well.

After two months, patients participating in a weekly mindfulness program saw their anxiety decrease the same amount as patients taking anxiety meds like Lexapro. Now, one expert says that the study is reaffirming how “useful mindfulness can be when practiced effectively.”

Since one in five US adults live with an anxiety disorder, this information should change the standard of care to one that at least includes a mediation practice.

Anxiety disorders include social anxiety, generalized anxiety and panic attacks. Affected people are troubled by persistent and intrusive worries that interfere with their lives and relationships. In the U.S., anxiety disorders affect 40% of U.S. women at some point in their lives and more than 1 in 4 men, according to data cited in U.S. Preventive Services Task Force screening recommendations.

Meditation can also be a helpful tool for managing multiple sclerosis , which is one reason why I’m excited to share a new program that I am offering together with Dr. Irene Cop of the Stress-to-Success S.H.I.F.T. Institute.

In the Autoimmune Reset Experience, participants get the benefits of not only the functional testing and protocols contained in my signature Inflammation Investigator program, but also the Retrain Your Brain exercises and meditations that are Dr. Irene’s specialty.

Sound interesting? Jump into one of the upcoming live calls or recordings here to learn more!

Everything has changed for his multiple sclerosis…

… since we started working together a few months ago.

Listen to my client, R.J., tell you in his own words the transformation he has experienced from going through my Inflammation Investigator program.

Interested in learning more and seeing if this program could be the right fit for you to reclaim your health? Book a risk-free complementary naturopathic health assessment with me at the link at the bottom of this page to find out!