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Can Glorious One-Pot Meals Cook at 400 Degrees?

Reader question: Dear Elizabeth, I am glad to have a copy of Glorious One-Pot Meals (I saw a copy at my library, and bought my own copy). Here is my question: 

I understand that the whole point is to cook the meal at 450 but if that isn’t possible, and I can’t go above, say, 400 can I just add extra time and will the ingredients still work?

~Greg L.

I’m excited to hear how much you like Glorious One-Pot Meals! Thanks for sharing your story with me.

I hate to break it to you, but the 450F temp is one of the secrets to this style of foolproof cooking. While some recipes may turn out ok at 400, others will undercook some ingredients while overcooking others.  🙁

If the highest heat you can generate is only 400 degrees, you may find the best results with vegetarian recipes.

My suggestion is to experiment and see if you get the telltale aroma of a fully-cooked meal to let you know when the meal is ready.

You can find the answers to all kinds of GOPM questions in the Glorious One-Pot Meals topic in this blog as well as in the FAQs here.

Happy cooking!


Could you have parasites and not know it?

Oh yes. Absolutely. In fact, if you’re even asking this question the odds are high that you already sense that you may be infected with parasites. The Centers for Disease Control suspect millions of people are infected with parasites… and probably most have no idea.

It’s really easy to pick up parasites just while going about our daily lives, and you might not realize what happened,

3 Signs You Might Have Parasites

1. Diarrhea or loose stools for longer than 24 hours.

2. If you’re not having diarrhea, you’re constipated.

3. You are a restless sleeper.

Curious to know more? Come to the “Everything you’ve wondered about parasites but didn’t know who to ask” webinar! If you have any burning questions about parasites that you would like me to address simply submit a question on the registration page.

Be sure to register to have access to the replay!

How Parasites Contribute to Autoimmunity

If you have been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition or experience chronic aches and pains, it is worthwhile to consider that you may also have an underlying parasitic infection.

In my 12 years of clinical experience, I have found that most people suffering from autoimmune or chronic conditions — including but not limited to multiple sclerosis, migraines, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, obesity, and irritable bowels — are carrying unseen invaders that are wreaking havoc with their immune system. Unfortunately, there is only so much better one can get without clearing out the parasites.

Christa Beigler and I spoke in depth about how parasites can contribute to autoimmune and other chronic conditions on The Less Stressed Life podcast

Click here to listen: 
Did it make you wonder if parasites could be contributing to your personal health issues? Book a free Naturopathic Assessment with me to see if a parasite protocol could change your life!

Are Thyroid Issues Related to Inflammation?

Reader Question: Have other hypothyroid / Hashimoto’s people done your protocols and seen improvements in their symptoms?

Answer: Yes! You may want to listen to this Thyroid Answers podcast where I talk a lot about thyroid issues with Dr. Eric Balcavage, or this episode of Save My Thyroid with Dr. Eric Osansky.

I believe that most symptoms are due to inflammation. Therefore, most symptoms will recede or disappear simply by reducing inflammation and eliminating inflammatory triggers.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But if wondering where and how to start is keeping you paralyzed from overwhelm and confusion, then it’s time to join my Inflammation Connection Community!

Check out this Guide or this Page to learn more about how joining this community could literally change your life, and then join us in the SLEUTH level or above for access to weekly Wednesday Wellness coaching sessions and targeted solutions for addressing inflammation from Hashimoto’s, Graves Disease, or other thyroid or inflammatory issues!

Want some direction about the right program level for you? See the FAQs or book a complimentary Naturopathic Health Assessment with me here to talk it over!

Clear Lungs and Sinus Naturally with a Nebulizer

Got a lingering cough that just won’t go away? Can’t breathe through your nose? Or even a wet, croupy cough with episodes of violent coughing that you can’t seem to stop? Try using a nebulizer and witness the healing magic of steam.

I have become a huge fan of my little nebulizer and am not sure how I survived without it. Use with a vial of hypertonic saline 7%, turn it on, and breathe. It’s that simple.

Hypertonic saline is salt water clean and pure enough to be safe for inhalation. Don’t use tap water or even bottled water in a nebulizer. Other things I like to use in my nebulizer are 3% hydrogen peroxide (the normal kind sold in any drugstore) for it’s anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties (yes, this is safe to do!), and sometimes a drop or two of essential oils of eucalyptus or frankensense. Eucalyptus has amazing lung-clearing powers and I often like to add a few drops to a hot bath, a vaporizer, or a diffuser.

Today I ran into someone with the lingering cough of long-haul syndrome, and a nebulizer was top on my list of recommendations! I think it is an essential item for the medicine cabinet in every home, and especially in homes with children. Using a nebulizer can replace medicinal cough syrups with questionable ingredients for sick kids without any risk of side effects. It is a safe way to help older adults clear fluids from their lungs at home as salt water (saline) draws excess fluid out of tissues gently.

Excellent for clearing cold and flu symptoms, surviving seasonal allergies, or even for shaking away brain fog, you may use a nebulizer multiple times daily or as needed. I have clients who use it every day after waking to help themselves breathe easily all day long without taking pharmaceuticals to suppress allergies.

You can order a nebulizer from my store here, or find one yourself. I recommend getting one that can charge through a USB cord rather than have to rely on batteries.

Have you tried using a nebulizer? Let me know in the comments below!