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Tag: sunbutter

Nut or Seed Butter Mug Bread Recipe

SunButter Quick Bread
Grain-free quick bread made with SunButter, egg, and baking soda.

I just discovered this brilliant method of making a quick, filling, bread-like snack in a mug, and it couldn’t be easier. It’s just nut or seed butter, egg, and baking soda mixed together and microwaved for 1-2 minutes, depending on your unit.

I found the original recipe at Relizabeth’s Paleo Runner blog where she made it with almond butter. I pulled out the SunButter to make my version the other day, but I can see making this with all kinds of nut butters.

It was so easy to make. Within all of 5 minutes I had mixed the ingredients, cooked it, and eaten the results. Yummy!

For my first try, I did not add any sweetener and my kids felt it needed it. Next time I think I’ll add a bit of pure maple syrup to the mix.

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Nut or Seed Butter Mug Bread

2 Tablespoons nut or seed butter
1 egg
Allowed sweetener (honey, maple syrup, coconut sugar, etc.)
1/8 tsp-1/4 tsp baking soda
Any other add-ins such as chocolate chips, coconut flakes, raisins, etc.

Mix egg well in a mug and blend with rest of ingredients until well-combined. Place mug in microwave for 1-3 minutes until bread has risen and is no longer wet. Eat immediately. 1 serving.


Gluten-free Bread Option: Try Pancakes

gluten-free pancake sandwich
A gluten-free pancake sandwich with SunButter and organic strawberry-rhubarb jam.

One of the most frustrating aspects about going wheat-free or gluten-free is the loss of bread. For more than 5,000 years, bread in some form has been a staple food for human civilization, and it can be hard to find substitutes for those familiar, bread-centric food items. Like a sandwich.

Let’s face it: there are a lot of things to love about sandwiches. They’re portable, easy to assemble, and contain a good ratio of carbs to protein to give the body energy and satiety. Many gluten-free breads are crumbly, hard, or generally unsatisfying to use in a sandwich. That’s why I’ll often use gluten-free pancakes in place of sliced bread for a pancake sandwich.

I’ve enjoyed these gluten-free pancakes by Elana Amsterdam of, but sometimes I take the easy route and use Pamela’s Gluten-Free Baking & Pancake Mix. Regardless, I always triple the recipe so that I have lots of extra pancakes for later snacks and sandwiches. Pancakes are easy to pull out of a freezer-safe bag or container and pop in a toaster oven or microwave to thaw and heat for a quick breakfast or lunch without a mess.

This pancake sandwich is spread with organic SunButter and Colorado Mountain Jam‘s Organic Strawberry Rhubarb jam. Yum!

Sunbutter: A Peanut Butter Alternative

I’ve never been a rabid peanut butter fan, though I understand the appeal for a quick and easy, non-perishable, packable protein spread for everything from school lunches to hiking trips to an everyday snack. While I didn’t really dig peanut butter as a child, Sunbutter Sunflower Seed Spread slathered on an apple slice or a banana is one of my favorite adult snacks.sunbutter: peanut butter substitute

Besides its fame as one of the most common allergens for children, today’s peanut butters are often blended with obscene amounts of sugar, oils, and other additives. Recently, there was a widespread recall of peanut butter, and my husband asked me if we had any in the house to dispose. We haven’t had peanut butter in the house for ages. Even if we had had peanut butter, it would have been organic and therefore not contaminated or subject to the recall. However, we haven’t had peanut butter for years while we’ve enjoyed almond butter and even cashew butter instead. Lately, Sunbutter has won the nut-butter war and has turned into one of our staples.

Sugar free, the sole ingredient in Sunbutter is sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are full of anti-inflammatory vitamin E, cancer-fighting selenium and cholesterol-lowering phytosterols, and heart-healthy polyunsaturated fats. Available in regular or organic, Sunbutter offers a nice hit of protein to fill you up and keep you going.