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Category: Recommended Products

Popcorn: a perfect snack

 I love popcorn. When faced with a freshly-made bowl, I can never stop myself from cramming large handfuls at a time in my mouth, as if someone will take it away before I’m finished. This unladylike habit may have come from fighting for my share among the rabid popcorn eaters in my family while growing […]

Cream-free Creamy Squash Soup

I was faced with three large crookneck squashes (see what they looked like in my post for Zucchini soup). My creamy butternut squash soup recipe beckoned. But wait: these were not butternut squash. Would crookneck squash give me that sweet, substantial, creamy smooth tongue-sensation that a butternut never fails to deliver? Would the soup be […]

Avocado-Tomato Salad

One of my weight-loss/weight-management/healthy eating secrets is my lunchtime salad ritual. Like many people, my weight fluctuates, especially when I lapse into poor eating habits and end up eating too many processed foods. Yes, I have my weaknesses — mostly around desserts! So I try to follow a routine that includes a salad for lunch. […]