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Category: Autoimmune

Multiple Sclerosis 101 and Lifestyle Tips for Reducing Inflammation

Listen in as host Rachel Smith of Natural Health Rising and I dig into the nitty gritty of what is multiple sclerosis, the connection to inflammation, and steps that you can take immediately to help yourself fare better with this disease. We talk about how inflammation is the common root of most, if not all, […]

Meditation As Effective As Anti-anxiety Drugs

Recently, the first study to directly compare medication to mindfulness meditation for treating anxiety found that the two worked equally well. After two months, patients participating in a weekly mindfulness program saw their anxiety decrease the same amount as patients taking anxiety meds like Lexapro. Now, one expert says that the study is reaffirming how […]

Everything has changed for his multiple sclerosis…

… since we started working together a few months ago. Listen to my client, R.J., tell you in his own words the transformation he has experienced from going through my Inflammation Investigator program. Interested in learning more and seeing if this program could be the right fit for you to reclaim your health? Book a […]

The Connection between Toxicity and Autoimmunity

I recently had the opportunity to chat about the link between toxicity and autoimmunity on the Green Living with Tee podcast. We are bombarded with toxins in our modern world from our foods, water supply, the things we touch, and even the air we breathe. Did you know that if you live in a city […]

FUMS podcast

Listen to my story from mysterious symptoms to diagnosis of multiple sclerosis in 1999, and how it led me to a new understanding of autoimmunity and how to manage symptoms and disease. This is the full story, warts and all! I’ve heard from many who resonated with my tale! What does it bring up for […]