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Whole Foods To Require GMO Labeling

It warms my heart when I see big corporations stepping up to do the right thing.

Whole Foods Market just announced that every GMO product in their stores will need to be labeled by 2018.

Hooray! This is a step in the right direction and hopefully it will start off a domino effect that will ripple through our food system. Once you are labeling food for one outlet, it’s cheaper to have continuity in your labeling across all outlets.

Really, all this does is allow you, as a food consumer, to know if there are genetically modified ingredients inside this product. You will soon be able to choose for yourself if you want to eat those foods. And now, at least, you will have the information to make an informed decision.

One Comment on “Whole Foods To Require GMO Labeling

  1. This is such wonderful news. Look what happened in California last year when they tried to get GMO labeled on their food. The big companies stuck together and the people lost. I hope this goes works. Something has to.

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