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Tag: vitamins

Many kids do not need vitamin supplements

Many children do not need the vitamin supplements we push at them: they are healthy enough without them

Children who were reported to be the healthiest and most active with a balanced diet, greater access to health care and higher family income were more likely to take vitamin supplements, a new study notes.

Researchers at the University of Davis in California studied more than 10,000 kids aged 1-17. The lead physician on the project said many of the children who take vitamin supplements do not appear to need them because they are receiving adequate nutrition from the foods they eat. This is great news that lots of children are eating healthy foods and not living on a diet of fast or fake foods.

Unfortunately for those children on the other end of the spectrum, those without access to healthy food choices, adequate health care, and other factors of a healthy lifestyle, the story looks different. These are the ones who could actually use vitamins to help supplement what they’re missing. But these aren’t the kids who are taking them.

One charity that is trying to ease this gap is Nourish America. Nourish America is committed to provide the daily essential nutrition that impoverished American children, families, pregnant moms, and seniors and others in need require to live productive, successful lives.

For those of us adults with a healthy diet, however, we might want to consider carefully any supplements and see if we are already getting the nutrients through our foods before we add anything processed or synthetic to our bodies.

Good Belly makes for a Good Belly

I’ve become addicted to GoodBelly. Have you heard of it?

GoodBelly is a non-dairy fruit-based probiotic fruit drink packed full of serious probiotics and nutrients.

I’ve begun offering  shot of GoodBelly to my kids each morning instead of our regular Juice+ gummy vitamins.

Probiotics, or “good” bacteria, are one part of the foundation for helping intestinal and bowel issues, chronic constipation, irritated bowel syndrom (IBS), and promoting general immunities. Since 70-80% of your immune system is based in your digestive system, it’s key to keep it healthy and flowing cleanly.

My hubby gets his GoodBelly shot to help keep the sniffles at bay since working in a school environment and being exposed to such a large popuation in an enclosed area is an almost guaranteed way to nurse a cold all winter.

The GoodBelly formula feels more bio-absorbable for me than some other probiotic capsules or powders. And, it’s much more enjoyable to drink. My favorite is the strawberry flavor, while my kids love the mango, and my mom likes the blueberry best. I find it in the regular grocery store in the refrigerated case near the eggs and yogurt.

Not that I have anything against yogurt, which is another good way to get live cultures and probiotics, but as I’ve mentioned before, dairy products go right to my hips and stomach so I try to avoid them whenever possible.