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Vitamin D, Multiple Sclerosis, and Walk MS promo video

MidChix, a wonderful new online community of women between 40 and 60, has just posted one of my articles on Vitamin D and its role in Multiple Sclerosis.

You might already know that vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and teeth, but did you realize that it plays a role in maintaining a healthy immune system, too?

A connection between Multiple Sclerosis and vitamin D deficiency has been studied for decades. Low blood levels of vitamin D are common among the MS population, and according to recent reports, as many as 80 percent of people with MS don’t get enough of it in their diets.  In fact, current research findings suggest that vitamin D may positively influence the immune systems of patients with MS…

(read the rest of the article on Vitamin D and Multiple Sclerosis here.)

It’s perfect timing for this article as May is the month for many of the annual Walk MS events to raise funds and awareness for multiple sclerosis. This year, the Colorado Chapter of the National MS Society has invited me to host the “Land of Nutrition” at the MS Walks in Denver (May 1), Colorado Springs (May 8), and Boulder (May 15).

As a nutrition expert living with multiple sclerosis, I believe that what you eat plays a role in how you feel, and that your diet affects your health. Changing the course of your health and, at the very least, the severity of your symptoms may be as simple as changing your menu.

Hear me talk more about the National MS Society’s Colorado Walk MS events!

The forecast for the Denver Walk this Saturday (May 1st, 2010) may call for snow (!) so dress warmly and enjoy the coffee and hot chocolate offered around City Park for participants. Take refuge under the Wellness Tent with me, pick up or order an autographed cookbook, and join the discussion on healthy eating!

Hope to see you there!

MS Walk Denver 2010: The Land of Nutrition

For Immediate Release: DENVER, CO – The Colorado chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society has invited Elizabeth Yarnell to host the “Land of Nutrition” at this year’s MS Walk on Sunday, May 1, in the MS Wellness Experience Tent located in the grassy meadow just south of the Denver Zoo, and west of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

“Elizabeth’s message of healthy eating and knowledge of nutrition is a perfect complement to the information and resources we strive to provide to those affected by MS and their loved ones,” says Scott Mayeux, Senior Development Manager for the Colorado chapter.

“I’m excited to represent the link between nutrition and health to the MS community at this year’s MS Walk!” agrees Yarnell, nutritional expert and award-winning author of Glorious One-Pot Meals. “I always love the chance to meet people who care about MS and share my enthusiasm for how eating healthily can make every life better.”

Yarnell has lived with MS for over a decade and often dedicates her time to raising funds and awareness for MS causes. Signed cookbooks will be available as door prizes and for purchase.

Join us at the MS Walk in Denver by registering at or calling 303-698-7470.

Contact Molly Skyar at 310-374-4477  x19 about opportunities to sponsor the MS Walk’s Land of Nutrition.