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Tag: menopause

Women Beyond a Certain Age Podcast

It’s funny to realize that I now fit into this category, but I recently appeared on Denise Vivaldo’s “Women Beyond a Certain Age” podcast and I have to admit that it was great fun! We had a lively conversation about taking charge of our health as we age and steps that each of us can take to feel as good as we can for as long as we can. Listen in here!

P.S. I just celebrated my 52nd birthday this month!


Apple cider vinegar for hot flashes

My 64-year old aunt writes in with this testimonial about getting relief from hot flashes with apple cider vinegar.

“After a recent surgery I was taken off of estrogen and found that the number, duration and intensity of hot flashes accelerated to a point that I was being to feel miserable.  A friend told me about apple cider vinegar.  I now take 1 tsp 3x/day.  The hot flashes have been reduced significantly.  I am using Paul Bragg’s organic Apple Cider Vinegar as was suggested. It sure beats the heavy medications suggested by physicians for this annoyance.”

Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar can do everything from cure plantar warts to alleviate heartburn. It’s amazing stuff. I had never heard about this usage, but am thrilled to learn about it! Thanks for sharing!!

Anyone else know any good remedies for hot flashes, while we’re on the subject? Please share!