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Tag: inflammation

How to Change Your Life

When I was diagnosed with a chronic inflammatory condition, my view of the world changed.

Everything now seemed to have the potential to worsen my symptoms of multiple sclerosis. Foods, drinks, cleaning products…

Every time I turned on my computer it seemed there was a new warning about a favorite food, or a new supplement or type of diet to try.

Often my head would be spinning and I would end up more confused than before and be left with an overwhelming feeling of helplessness.

And if you’ve felt this way, too…

-If you feel like you are permanently swollen…

-If you feel like your identity has been taken away from you…

Know that it doesn’t have to be that way.

The last thing I want is for this next year to pass and you to still be:

❌ Stressed and overwhelmed not knowing how to improve your condition…

❌ Searching different topics on the internet for their relation to your specific symptoms…

❌ Struggling to read through a bunch of books and “research” that contain conflicting information…

❌ Worried you could be spending a bunch of money on the wrong foods and supplements…

❌ Confused and uncertain about which exercises are right for you…

​❌ Concerned that your symptoms are multiplying…

​❌ Realizing you actually feel worse more frequently now than you did a year ago…

​❌ Hoping that the plan you’ve pieced together won’t lead to disappointment. Again.

I don’t want ANY of that for you throughout this next year… and beyond.

Instead, I want this to be the year you start improving.

✔️I want you to be educated, empowered, and make the right decisions for YOU.

​✔️I want you to be active and live the life you want to live…

​✔️I want you to travel and go on adventures…

​✔️I want you to be independent and have good quality of life…

​✔️And I want you to be there for your friends, family, kids, and grandkids long into the future.

My team and I can help you get there

In fact, we help people just like you, every single day, get confident in their plan for reclaiming control over the inflammation in their body…

We can lay out a plan for you, too.

You just have to take action.

So, if you are ready for a clear plan and expert guidance and support…

Click here to get confident about your future!

I look forward to working together to improve your health.

Could you have parasites and not know it?

Oh yes. Absolutely. In fact, if you’re even asking this question the odds are high that you already sense that you may be infected with parasites. The Centers for Disease Control suspect millions of people are infected with parasites… and probably most have no idea.

It’s really easy to pick up parasites just while going about our daily lives, and you might not realize what happened,

3 Signs You Might Have Parasites

1. Diarrhea or loose stools for longer than 24 hours.

2. If you’re not having diarrhea, you’re constipated.

3. You are a restless sleeper.

Curious to know more? Come to the “Everything you’ve wondered about parasites but didn’t know who to ask” webinar! If you have any burning questions about parasites that you would like me to address simply submit a question on the registration page.

Be sure to register to have access to the replay!

Are Thyroid Issues Related to Inflammation?

Reader Question: Have other hypothyroid / Hashimoto’s people done your protocols and seen improvements in their symptoms?

Answer: Yes! You may want to listen to this Thyroid Answers podcast where I talk a lot about thyroid issues with Dr. Eric Balcavage, or this episode of Save My Thyroid with Dr. Eric Osansky.

I believe that most symptoms are due to inflammation. Therefore, most symptoms will recede or disappear simply by reducing inflammation and eliminating inflammatory triggers.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But if wondering where and how to start is keeping you paralyzed from overwhelm and confusion, then it’s time to join my Inflammation Connection Community!

Check out this Guide or this Page to learn more about how joining this community could literally change your life, and then join us in the SLEUTH level or above for access to weekly Wednesday Wellness coaching sessions and targeted solutions for addressing inflammation from Hashimoto’s, Graves Disease, or other thyroid or inflammatory issues!

Want some direction about the right program level for you? See the FAQs or book a complimentary Naturopathic Health Assessment with me here to talk it over!

What do Celine Dion, Selma Blair, and Christina Applegate have in common?

Rampant inflammation.

While Selma Blair and Christina Applegate have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, Celine Dion received a rare diagnosis of something called stiff-person syndrome. Both MS and stiff-person syndrome are considered autoimmune diseases, which means that an overactive immune system releases damaging inflammation that affects the nervous system. When making a specific diagnosis, doctors often look for evidence of immune system activity in how the patient presents, i.e., what are their symptoms, as well as the form of antibodies.

Even though both diseases often come with similar symptoms of balance, muscle stiffness, and muscle spasms, I believe that it matters less how the inflammation is manifesting and more that there is inflammation behind the symptoms.

Since most, if not all, symptoms are due to inflammation, a natural, functional medicine approach is to address the root cause of the inflammation rather than be distracted by whatever the symptoms may be.

The good news about this is that we can absolutely reduce the level of inflammation in our bodies simply by applying targeted dietary and lifestyle changes! If we get rid of the inflammation and the triggers that may be keeping you inflamed, then your symptoms will decrease or even disappear altogether.

Find the personalized solutions that will work to reduce inflammation for you in my virtual clinic — schedule a risk-free complimentary naturopathic health assessment today to see if I can help you get to the root cause of your chronic inflammation so that you can feel better tomorrow!

Do you follow me on Instagram? Recently I have been doing short reels and lives all about inflammation. Follow me on my newsletter in the pop-up box or by subscribing to this blog to learn about the many free opportunities that arise to talk about inflammation with me. See you there!