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How to have clear, acne-free skin

One of my friends recently asked me for some advice about products to help her pre-teen fight breakouts on her face. My first question was: does she wash her face?all natural facial cleanser

I’m always shocked to find out just how many people don’t wash their face regularly and then wonder why they have a pizza-face appearance. With just a little bit of daily effort, it’s easy to keep breakouts at bay and skin clear and glowing. This advice is not limited to greasy pre-teens; keeping skin pores clear and moisturized has anti-aging benefits, too.

Here’s a basic skin care regimen that to perform first thing in the morning and again before bed. Follow the regimen using any products you please.

Basic skin care regimen for clear skin:

1. Cleanse and exfoliate.kiss my face organic natural balancing toner

2. Tighten pores with a toner or astringent.

3. Moisturize.

4. Spot treat any breakouts.

I change the products I use all the time, but at the moment I’m using:

1. Sanctum Soothing Cream Cleanser and a Clarisonic Mia to cleanse and exfoliate.

2. Kiss My Face Balancing Antioxident Toner applied with an organic cotton ball.

3. MoonDance Botanicals Apricot Rose Cream for Face.

4. Calendula oil to disinfect and heal the calendula oiloccasional blocked pore without over-drying.

Now that I’m older and my skin is thinner, I find that while I cleanse and moisturize twice daily, I have cut back and only exfoliate and use toner in the morning for a fresh face before applying makeup; and I use a heavier moisturizer at night than during the day. I remember that as a teen I only used moisturizer at night as I felt it was too heavy during the day. You should adjust things to suit your own skin.

I am grateful that my beautiful mother, who looks decades younger than her almost 70 years, started me on this skin-care regimen when I was in third grade; I have followed it religiously ever since. It is a good habit, like brushing my teeth twice a day.

When I asked the question, “Does she wash her face every day?” my friend’s daughter blushed guiltily and shook her head. There is no magic pill, I told her. If you’re looking for clearer skin, a clean face is the first step!

4 Comments on “How to have clear, acne-free skin

  1. I would also encourage her to hop over to the cosmetics cop site. Paula has fabulous information about what irritates the skin, etc. She has WONDERFUL products, too, but that’s secondary to her research. Check out the beautypedia, too.

    I don’t work there, I’ve just used her products and information for years.


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