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Category: The Inflammation Influence

New Discovery: Every Neurological Disease Has an Immune Component

Newly discovered vessels in the brain connect directly to the immune system, says a research study by the University of Virginia (UVA) School of Medicine. This pathway was previously not thought to exist and could have a major impact on how to address neurological dysfunction. Numerous neurological disorders present with signs of inflammation and accumulated […]

How to Treat Dementia? Fix the Gut.

It may not seem logical to use dietary therapies to treat Parkinson’s Disease, but it should be our first course of action when a loved one begins to exhibit signs of dementia. The key is to realize that inflammation is behind most if not all symptoms. New research into treatments for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia […]

Food Sensitivity Testing: MRT vs Cyrex. Which is Best?

I recently received a request to explain the differences between the Mediator Release Test (MRT) and the Cyrex food sensitivity panel. I’ve asked Board Certified Naturopath Diana C. Bright, MS, RD, CCN, CLT, CGP to lay it out all for us. Here is how Dr. Bright explains it: To understand immunology I had to read […]

Additives In Your Food Can Be Harming Your Health

Increasing rates of dementia, auto-immune diseases, cancer metastasis, eczema, asthma, and autism are among a growing list of diseases that have been linked to soaring exposure to nanoparticles found in common food additives. If you’re not up on your label lingo, you’re probably not even aware of how many additives are in our everyday foods. […]