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Inflammation May Be Impacting Your Fertility

A lot of fertility problems come from inflammatory causes. The good news? This is something we can control.

In this episode of the Fundamentally Fertile podcast, I talk with fertility expert Dr. Susan Fox about how inflammation affects the body, and specifically how it impacts fertility. You’ll learn how to spot the signs of hidden inflammation and be one step ahead of your health.

We explore the ins and outs of food ingredients and how you can use your diet to avoid inflammation.

Lastly, we discuss everything you need to know about parasites and how to tell if you have any in your own body.

If you struggle with an unknown medical symptom, there’s a good chance you may find the solution in this episode!

Key Topics and Takeaways:

  • How inflammation causes infertility.
  • My unique, three-pronged approach to addressing inflammation.
  • The importance of reading labels and identifying chemicals.
  • Case studies of my own clients’ experiences with anti-inflammatory diets and fertility.
  • Three factors that are common to most chronic fertility and auto-immune conditions.
  • Signs you may have a parasite.

Memorable Quotes:

“I just want to make sure that listeners understand that they don’t have to feel pain in order to presume or question whether or not there’s an inflammatory process. There are these more subtle indicators.” (9:18, Dr. Fox)

“What I’m talking about is not a pharmaceutical bandaid. This is not some sort of artificial inducement that will make it seem like you’re okay. But you’re not really okay underneath. We’re talking about a holistic view of the body to actually create healing from the inside out so that you are in better shape to be a parent.” (10:55, Elizabeth)

“You just have to read the labels, even from things that you have long assumed safe.” (17:17, Elizabeth)

“You don’t even ever have to have eaten something for you to be reactive to it.” (26:22, Elizabeth)

“Your eggs are only as good as your health.” (32:53, Dr. Fox)

Natural Remedies for Post-Concussion Symptoms

Hitting your head hard sucks. Even worse, whether you were diagnosed with a concussion or just a bad knock to the noggin, the effects can linger as brain fog, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, sound and/or light sensitivity, and your neurologist may not have any solutions beyond “Wait it out.”

But have you spoken with a “Functional Neurologist”?

My friend, Dr. Titus Chiu, uses “Root Cause Neurology” to decipher clues about the brain and help it to heal from the trauma of a hit on the head. This includes dietary changes, targeted supplements to nourish the brain, and specific exercises to stimulate the neural pathways.

His book, Brain Save!, should become the bible for anyone wanting to heal their brain.

It’s so refreshing to meet a neurologist who has more to offer than toxic pharmaceuticals that simply mask symptoms. Dr. Chiu’s radical “Root Cause Neurology” approach empowers traumatic brain injury (TBI) sufferers to reclaim their brains through such simple actions as taking the right supplements, eating the right foods, and doing some seemingly basic exercises that might surprise you with their difficulty and what they can tell you about your brain injury.

This book is full of actions you can take yourself, today, without paying for or waiting for another disappointing doctor’s appointment. If you want to take your healing to the next level, or you know you would do better with some hand-holding, then enroll in his online or in-person programs, but you can get a lot of healing out of this book alone. If you commit to do the work, of course. Dr. Chiu’s 6-week program outlined in this book is easy to do at home and doesn’t have any negative side effects.

Catch Dr. Chiu’s appearance at the recent Brain Reboot 2022 event here. The replay is free and available for immediate viewing!

Inflammation Investigator Testimonial from Kim Emerson

MY TESTIMONY by Kim Emerson

My health journey with Elizabeth Yarnell began a year ago, in January 2021. I spent the previous three years recovering from a severe case of Shingles that seemed to trigger an unstable, erratic nerve response, ongoing gut issues, fatigue, as well as undetermined skin irritations/hives. It was then, with my mental and emotional state-of- mind at an all-time low, I began to explore more of a holistic approach to my symptoms, after numerous medical tests performed by an allergist and a dermatologist came up negative. A close friend of mine suggested I go online and take the opportunity to schedule a 90-minute virtual visit with Elizabeth Yarnell, which ultimately proved to change the direction of my health for the better.

Elizabeth Yarnell, began with a series of questions, then followed-up with tests including blood work, a ten-day parasite protocol and the utilization of a daily food symptom diary. After those results were reviewed, we had our first ZOOM meeting to decipher the findings. It was interesting to find out that, while I had been eating “clean and healthy” foods for over two years, I actually had mild to severe food sensitives to many of them. There it was in black-and-white… symptoms were not caused by my mental or emotional state, but from what I was eating! It was a relief really-I understood that by changing my diet, I could change my life.

During the four-month program, under Elizabeth’s close guidance, my perspective began to adjust as I experienced small steps toward improvement with my skin, fatigue and brain fog. Elizabeth Yarnell’s personal experience, the implementation and customization of the LEAP ImmunoCalm Diet Program, along with her uncompromising support and confirmation that I was making progress, proved invaluable. She responded to my communication in an empathetic, encouraging way, helping me to maintain my commitment to new healthy habits, even offering links to delicious menu options. My transformation in just under a year has been no less than miraculous!

I think one of the most beneficial aspects of the LEAP Program and the patented cooking process she introduced me to in her “Glorious One-Pot Meals” cookbook, was the comprehensive approach, using targeted adjustments, that helped create a lifestyle that will serve me for years to come. Participating in and taking responsibility for my own well-being has been rewarding and having Elizabeth Yarnell patiently walk me through the process demonstrated her genuine pledge to support me through my journey. I will be forever grateful for her kindness, dedication and optimism as she assisted me in navigating through one of the most difficult times in my life.

Thank you for everything Elizabeth! You have been such an inspirational figure in my life and because of you, I look forward to what adventures await me in 2022!

Could MS come from Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)?

Longitudinal analysis reveals high prevalence of Epstein-Barr virus associated with multiple sclerosis.

Sound exciting?

All of us living with MS, our caregivers, doctors, and researchers, would love to understand why some people become afflicted with multiple sclerosis while others don’t.

Most people who become infected with EBV do not progress to MS. Of the ten million young adult service members included in this study over a twenty year period, only 955 received a diagnosis of MS.

Since EBV infects ~95% of all adults, and MS is still relatively rare, obviously not everyone who tests positive to EBV should be worried about MS showing up in the next decade. However, if you have been diagnosed with Epstein-Barr Virus, you should be aware that you are at a higher risk of progressing into autoimmunity.

A 32-fold higher risk, according to this study of two decades of U.S. military data.

According to WebMD: “EBV never truly goes away. Even if the symptoms subside, the virus will remain inactive inside your body until it is reactivated by a trigger. Some triggers include stress, a weakened immune system, taking immunosuppressants, or hormonal changes such as menopause.”

In my clinic, I find that, like EBV, MS symptoms are also activated by a trigger. Interesting.

So, it would seem that the common denominator that we, as individuals concerned about our own health, can take away from the results of this study is that identifying and avoiding your triggers could help you avoid triggering both Epstein-Barr Virus and Multiple Sclerosis! Or either one!

Yes; this IS exciting!

It’s exciting because it reinforces our understanding about the importance of identifying and avoiding our own triggers, and how doing so can help each of us maintain our own health.

That’s it: the key to health in a nutshell. Identify and avoid your triggers.

If you could use some help, please take advantage of a free naturopathic health assessment to see if what I offer could be right for you and your health journey.

What If It’s Not Depression? What If It’s Inflammation?

I was recently interviewed by Dr. Achina Stein, a functional medicine psychiatrist, for her Vodcast, What If It’s Not Depression? 

A “functional medicine psychiatrist”?! This means that she is a serious mental health professional who understands how our physical health affects our mental health, and explores 

She has a book by the same name on Amazon that helps you uncover the root causes of depression-like symptoms, balance the body, mind, and spirit, and even helps you taper off unnecessary medications. She interviews people like me to explore various root causes of depression that most people don’t usually think about and helps you connect the dots. 

We did a deep dive on the link between inflammation and mental health.

As I got to know her, I learned that Dr. Stein created a program, What If’s Not Depression? Bootcamp for people who are sick and tired of being sick and tired. Often what happens when we don’t feel well is go to our primary care providers to find answers. Unfortunately, many examine us and do blood work, but ultimately tell us, nothing is wrong. They infer that it must be “all in our heads” and offer an antidepressant medication. You might not think that you are depressed or need an anti-depressant medication. You know something is wrong because you know your body, but you can’t figure it out and you might just want to get to the bottom of it so you don’t need medications lifelong.

Her 12-week group online program helps you understand where things went wrong, why you feel so bad, then shows you step by step how to reverse the process and helps you decide whether medication is part of the answer. Dr. Stein is one of few psychiatrists in the country (world actually) to offer a program like this. If you or someone you know might be interested in learning more, visit her website or go directly to Book a Discovery Call here to figure out if this could the right program for you. 

Check out this Vodcast and see if her approach resonates with you as a new direction that may finally offer a lasting solution to your depression once and for all!