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Do You Have to Cook the Pasta Separately in a Glorious One-Pot Meal?

Reader question: Quick and probably stupid question on the mac and cheese recipe on pp 176-177…is the macaroni cooked or raw for the recipe?  Don’t really want to waste the cheese trying it wrong. Thanks. ~Matt, Maryland

Hi Matt! This is a great question because I can emphasize that Glorious One-Pot Meals never require pasta or rice to be cooked separately. You always put it in the pot raw.

When I was researching one-pot meal cookbooks, before I published Glorious One-Pot Meals, I noticed that most recipes included something along the lines of:

  • Serve with pasta cooked according to package directions.


  • Serve with a side salad or loaf of bread.

To me, these recipes were no longer “one-pot meals” because now you needed a second pot to boil water in and cook the pasta, or a second bowl to hold a salad, etc.

I designed Glorious One-Pot Meals to be TRUELY one pot by providing  a complete and wholesome meal in a single pot.

3 Comments on “Do You Have to Cook the Pasta Separately in a Glorious One-Pot Meal?

  1. we use . i think it’s about $20 for 3 months too. They uslualy have about 15 meals each week with sides and you can pick 5 of them and put in how many people you’re making it for and it gives you a shopping list and the recipes to print out. It also has monthly freezer menus. Once a month on a Saturday I spend a couple hours cooking and freeze 4-5 extra meals for the month for days I don’t have time to cook. Or sometimes I double the number of serbings and make it for friends or people with new babies/kids. Usually about 5 of the meals are veggie and/or I can easily make changes to make them veggie. It also tells you which meals are lower cost, lower calorie, kid-friendly, etc. I was not much of a cook at all before. It’s totally changed the way I cook and shop. I love it. Okay, advertisement over–back to your regular programming. 🙂

  2. I have read that sometimes veggies turn out too soft. Is it possible to add the 15 or twenty minutes before the meal is finished cooking?

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