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A Natural DEET-free Insect Repellent That Works

A jaunt up into the Rockies this weekend showed us that our recent rains have led to a booming crop of mosquitos. Oh, the air was thick with them, particularly as the day neared dusk. Luckily, we had a good insect repellent with us that worked amazingly well.natural insect repellent

Dr. Ben Kim’s Anti-Bug Spray Version 2.0 contains a high concentration of essential oils in an easy-to-apply pump spray bottle. It smells good and visibly kept the hordes of mosquitos at bay, without any toxic chemical or DEET, a known toxin that has been shown to cause brain cell death in rats.

I have seen how DEET will melt the hard plastic casing of a flashlight to create fingerprints where it was touched by hands covered in insect repellent. I don’t need to wait for the government to confirm my bad feelings about this powerful chemical or its effect on human bodies, especially the developing bodies of babies and children.

No one out there is measuring the accumulated exposure to the multiple chemicals we come into contact with every day through everything from the shampoo we use, the toothpaste we brush with, the air we breathe, the water we drink, the pesticides on our foods… and on and on. A little DEET here, a little Aspartame there, a bit of BPA on the side… it all adds up in our body tissues.

It’s up to each of us to avoid exposures where and when we can to safeguard our own health. A DEET-free insect repellant that actually repels insects is a good place to start. Try this one.

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