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Unusual Hannukah Latke Recipe

Hard to believe that Hannukah begins so early this year, but those who are lighting menorahs and playing with dreidels tonight will likely be frying up a round of traditional potato latkes.

Zucchini and Carrot latkes topped with sour cream and caviar

Now, I enjoy fried potato pancakes, or latkes, as much as the next person – really, what’s not to love about grated potatoes and onions shaped into a patty and fried? But, there are eight nights of celebration, after all, and some variation is welcomed. That’s a great time to pull out this Zucchini-and-Carrot Latke recipe.

The reason fried pancakes are eaten on Hannukah is because of the significance of the oil, not the potatoes. The cooking oil symbolizes the oil found in the ransacked Temple that miraculously kept the lamp lit for eight days when there was only enough for one.

While I love to eat these zucchini and carrot latkas all year round, they put a colorful spin on a wintertime plate with vegetables that are available in the supermarket all year round. For fun, I topped these pictured with sour cream and caviar, but they’re just a good dipped in ketchup, barbecue sauce, or plain.

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Zucchini and Carrot Latkes
6 servings

4 large zucchini
4 large carrots
1/2 cup chopped green onions
4 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup flour (try using whole wheat flour for a healthier version)
1 heaping teaspoon baking powder
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1/8 tsp. cardamom
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. ground pepper (I used white ground pepper — my current fave)
vegetable cooking oil spray
peanut oil for frying

Using the shredding blade in a processor, shred the carrots and zucchini. Transfer to a large bowl and add the green onions and beaten eggs. Blend well. Add the flour, baking powder, nutmeg, cardamom, salt and pepper.

Spray a large frying pan with a vegetable spray. Add a little peanut oil and with a large oval mixing spoon, drop by spoonfuls into the hot oil. Allow the pancakes to set before turning. When crisp, remove and place on paper toweling to remove any excess oil.

These can be made in advance. Place on a cookie sheet and heat in a 400-degree oven when ready to serve.

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