I am working with a man in his 30s who is in overall good health. Eats well, works out regularly, keeps himself fit. About three weeks ago, he took his family to a water park and almost immediately afterward began having unusual symptoms including stomach cramping, diarrhea/constipation, and nausea. He visited a number of doctors and had a number of scopes and lab tests performed, all of which came back without positive results.
Luckily, he was convinced that something was wrong with him anyway and he began suspecting that it may be parasitic infection. He found his way to me and I heartily agreed. Sudden onset of symptoms is a strong sign that you’ve been invaded by parasites.
Not everyone will have the same symptoms he did as there are a whole host of ways that bodies react to parasites. Check out these posts for more symptoms of parasitic infections.
As I sent him off with the herbal parasite cleanse, I invited him to take photos of his stools during this eviction process and send them to me. He laughed and assured me that he most certainly would NOT be taking any photos.
Then he sent me these photos with this note: “So you know how I said I didn’t want to take a picture. I took a picture, still gross. My daughter was complaining of stomach issues and I would hate to see her suffer because I didn’t want to take a dumb picture.”
Here are his photos. See what you think. We have started his entire family (with the exception of his breast-feeding wife) on herbal parasite cleanses as well. If you can identify these buggers, please leave a comment below!
If you think parasites could be affecting you, shoot me an email and schedule a free initial phone consultation to discuss how best to evict the buggers from your body so that you can reclaim your health.