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Tag: stove

Glorious One-Pot Meals on Stove

Reader question:
Dear Elizabeth, Please help me! I am a happy and retired grandfather, and my wife and I watch our one-year-old grandson every day. One day a week I make dinner for them. I usually make chili, given my limited cooking skills. I have your book, Glorious One Pot Meals, and I want to use it in my daughter’s apartment, but they don’t use their oven, only the stove top. I have a Dutch Oven. Would the recipes in your Glorious One Pot Meals book work on a stove top? What modifications would I need to make? Thank you for this wonderful information! This grandpa thanks you. Most sincerely,
Greg L., Wellesley, MA


Hi Greg!

I’m so excited to receive your email and learn that you will be preparing GOPMs for your grandson! I am a definite fan of intergenerational bonding over food! I raised my own kids on GOPMs and they grew to be adventurous eaters who appreciate many flavors and textures and enjoy trying new foods.
Yes! It is absolutely possible to prepare a GOPM on the stovetop! Here is where I talk about how to do it.
You might also be interested in this post about using a toaster oven to prepare GOPMs, too.
Anytime you have a GOPM question, you might find your answer here on my blog in the GOPM topic, or in the GOPM Q&A page.
Thanks for writing, Grandpa! You rock! Please feel free to respond in the Comments below. Happy cooking!