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Tag: sodium-restricted recipes

Are Glorious One-Pot Meals Safe for Kidney Patients?

Reader question: I was going to order the one pot meal book, but my husband was diagnosed with kidney disease.  Do you think some of recipes would be ok for him, just not add salt?  I was at the NMO meeting in L.A. and heard you speak. ~Anita D., Mobile, AlabamaGlorious One-Pot Meals cover

Hi Anita! Thank you so much for writing. Of course, one of the best features of Glorious One-Pot Meals is that you only put in what you want to put in, and you leave out whatever is undesirable for you. If your husband’s doctor has put him on a restricted sodium intake and you wish to prepare your GOPMs without salt, go for it.

Salt can be added to each serving after the food is cooked without sacrificing its flavor-enhancing properties, giving you a lot more control over the amount of salt each diner eats.

That said, if you use sea salt instead of mined table salt, he may be able to still enjoy the flavor-enhancing and health-giving properties of  salt without suffering the water-retention effects.

To avoid excess sodium it is better to eat home-cooked meals than restaurant or prepared meals, so you are on the right track to safeguard his health!


Glorious One-Pot Meals good for heart disease

Just after 9 am yesterday my phone rang. It was the city’s Water Department calling to schedule an appointment to fix my water meter. After we had settled on a date, the caller asked me another question: “Are you the lady that writes the one-pot meal cookbooks?”

“Yes, I am,” I admitted with that astonishment I always have when I am recognized in the grocery store or bank.

She proceeded to tell me about how much she loved my cookbook, especially because her husband had some heart issues and was on a sodium-restricted diet. She appreciated that my recipes include the sodium amounts per serving as it makes it easy for her to cook and calculate his daily sodium intake.

I always love hearing testimonials from people who feel Glorious One-Pot Meals has changed their lives in some way. Often I hear that knowing how to make GOPMs means the family eats at home more often, or they’ve lost weight, or they eat more vegetables now. Tales like these remind me that as challenging as this journey has been to continue over the last thirteen years, it has touched more lives than I realize.

“Thank you,” I told her. “You’ve made my day.”

And I wore a big smile all day.