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Tag: personal empowerment

Subscribing to My Blog, “Effortless Eating”

Hello friends and fans of my blog!

You may have noticed that I went dark for a while at the end of 2020. In fact, there was even a month or so where my whole website was down and inaccessible, something that hadn’t happened since I first launched a website at in 1993!

The dumpster-fire that was 2020 upended so many things in all of our lives, and mine was no exception. While COVID didn’t steal any of my loved ones (my heart and sympathies go out to those of you who faced such losses last year!), the economic uncertainty it brought, along with other factors, meant that I needed to pull back and restructure everything from what I do to what I call myself.

The good news is that my retreat from the web has brought me clarity in my mission and purpose, and gave me the space to pivot my enterprise in a way that will let me touch and help many more people along their journey to feeling better! If you’ve skipped out on working directly with me to improve your health in the past because it was unaffordable, be sure to read on for new opportunities that are coming.

Your Subscription to This Blog

Before anything else, I want to let you know that I’ve moved this blog’s subscription function to make it easier for people to subscribe or unsubscribe. If you are receiving this, your email may have been ported over from the old system, and I want to say “Thank you”! Thank you for reading, thank you for subscribing, and thank you for sticking by me for all of these years. You give me reason to keep writing and publishing and sharing my thoughts, advice, and opinions, and I am grateful. Namaste: the divine in me bows to and recognizes the divine in you.

That said, if you ever decide that you no longer wish to receive updates from my blog or newsletter, simply click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email to end your subscription immediately. You may have noticed a mistaken test email that went out a few weeks ago while we were sorting things out on the back end – sorry about that! Technology, sheesh.

New Opportunities to Improve Your Health!

When I took my web identity down and stepped back from social media, it gave me a chance to evaluate what I had been doing and to ponder what it is that I love to do.

As a board-certified traditional naturopath (not a “naturopathic doctor”), I love sharing information on new ideas that could change lives by improving health. Sometimes this is research, sometimes it’s recipes, sometimes it’s a regimen or a product. Sometimes it’s an opportunity to learn more about something I may have personally found to be healing. My web site and blog posts (almost one thousand posts since 2008!) will continue to be full of all of this kind of great information and accessible to subscribers and anyone on the internet.

While I continue to be open to working with clients one-on-one to radically improve health through customized, targeted natural therapies –click here to learn if you are a good candidate for this program– I’ve decided to open up my resources and vast knowledge base to launch a gathering place for holistic health and wellness seekers.

As part of this endeavor, I’m going to become more active about introducing you to some of the practitioners, devices, and technologies that are paving the way for new paradigms in healthcare and could make a difference in your personal health.

Take Charge of Your Health

My period of introspection affirmed and deepened my commitment to empowering people to take control over their own health, and thereby their future. I have always believed that knowledge can empower someone to act to help themselves, and the more awareness we have about alternatives to pharmaceuticals and surgeries, the more potential there is to achieve and enjoy health. This is stuff your medical doctor may not know and likely wouldn’t tell you anyway.

Help is coming for feeling better; don’t lose hope!

Watch this space to hear more about this exciting direction and how to join me on the journey!

Yours in health!