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Inflammation May Be Impacting Your Fertility

A lot of fertility problems come from inflammatory causes. The good news? This is something we can control.

In this episode of the Fundamentally Fertile podcast, I talk with fertility expert Dr. Susan Fox about how inflammation affects the body, and specifically how it impacts fertility. You’ll learn how to spot the signs of hidden inflammation and be one step ahead of your health.

We explore the ins and outs of food ingredients and how you can use your diet to avoid inflammation.

Lastly, we discuss everything you need to know about parasites and how to tell if you have any in your own body.

If you struggle with an unknown medical symptom, there’s a good chance you may find the solution in this episode!

Key Topics and Takeaways:

  • How inflammation causes infertility.
  • My unique, three-pronged approach to addressing inflammation.
  • The importance of reading labels and identifying chemicals.
  • Case studies of my own clients’ experiences with anti-inflammatory diets and fertility.
  • Three factors that are common to most chronic fertility and auto-immune conditions.
  • Signs you may have a parasite.

Memorable Quotes:

“I just want to make sure that listeners understand that they don’t have to feel pain in order to presume or question whether or not there’s an inflammatory process. There are these more subtle indicators.” (9:18, Dr. Fox)

“What I’m talking about is not a pharmaceutical bandaid. This is not some sort of artificial inducement that will make it seem like you’re okay. But you’re not really okay underneath. We’re talking about a holistic view of the body to actually create healing from the inside out so that you are in better shape to be a parent.” (10:55, Elizabeth)

“You just have to read the labels, even from things that you have long assumed safe.” (17:17, Elizabeth)

“You don’t even ever have to have eaten something for you to be reactive to it.” (26:22, Elizabeth)

“Your eggs are only as good as your health.” (32:53, Dr. Fox)