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Tag: Kindle cookbook

Is the Kindle Edition of Glorious One-Pot Meals Missing Some Information?

Reader question: Hi Elizabeth, I received your book in the kindle edition for Christmas. I am looking forward to trying your recipes and technique, but I had a question/comment. The nutrition information is not included in the digital edition, or if it is I am not seeing it. Is it possible to update the book to include that info? We are watching our calories as well as generally trying to eat healthier and that would be useful information.  Thanks, and hope you are enjoying your holiday! ~Angela M., ChicoGlorious One-Pot Meals cover

Hi Angela, I’m glad to hear that you are planning to try Glorious One-Pot Meals!

The nutrition information for each recipe is included in the print copy of the cookbook; this is the first I’ve heard that it is not included in the Kindle edition. I’m sorry to report that I have no control over the Kindle version as it is released directly from the publisher.

Personally, I am a believer in the nutrition we get from  eating whole foods vs processed foods, which is why GOPMs are made from whole foods, and think the “nutritional information” that accompanies a recipe is pretty worthless when it comes to eating healthily. For instance, the fat content of a recipe may seem high by the numbers, but if the fat is from healthy sources like olive oil or avocado or fish, then it would still be a healthy recipe.

My recipes are designed to use whole foods and be healthy options for dinner, and as long as you use quality ingredients I believe you can be assured of the healthfulness regardless of what you might see in the nutritional counts.

That said, I realize that in this country we’ve been trained to use the nutritional breakdown to assess the value of a meal, and, under duress, I did indeed provide that information for every recipe in the cookbook. You can pick up a print copy of the book for under $15 on Amazon, or for the full price of $17.95 you may order it directly from my site and I will be happy to personally sign it to you.

A heartfelt thank you  to everyone who purchased Glorious One-Pot Meals this holiday season; the cookbook enjoyed the number one spot in the Dutch Oven category on Amazon last month and is often  still in the top 5,000 books purchased on Amazon — pretty amazing for a little book that was first released almost ten years ago in 2005!
