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Tag: jamie oliver

The School Lunch Revolution: Rhonda McCoy in West Virginia

Revenge of the Lunch Lady, ” by Jane Black should be required reading for anyone concerned with the state of the national school lunch program.Revenge of the Lunch Lady by Jane Black

In the words of the esteemed professor Marion Nestle:

This is Jane’s astonishingly well researched account of what happened to school meals in Huntington, West Virginia—after Jamie Oliver left.

Surprise: They got better!

The subtitle explains why: “How an unassuming bureaucrat outsmarted Jamie Oliver and pulled off an honest-to-god miracle in one of America’s unhealthiest cities.”

You’ll be glad you read it. Revenge of the Lunch Lady

Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Day 5-19-2012

Tomorrow is Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution Day. Jamie rose to international prominence through hosting cooking shows on The Food Network. He has used his fame to spearhead a return-to-cooking and healthy eating movement aimed at the younger generations.

According to Jamie:

Food Revolution Day is an opportunity for everyone around the world to do something. The Food Revolution and Food Revolution Day is about empowering people through education or, frankly, just inspiring people to be more street-wise about food, where it comes from and how it affects their bodies. If you know how to cook you can save yourself money, feel better and live longer, and the chances are, your kids will follow suit. After all, we all kind of become our parents in the end.

On May 19, thousands of people around the world will come together — businesses, schools, sports stars and celebrities — to hold events, dinners and cooking classes, with the aim of putting good food back on the agenda. We want to change the way people eat by educating every child about food, giving families the skills to cook from scratch again, and motivating people to stand up for their right to better food.

Please go to and show your support.