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Tag: Hashimoto’s

Are Thyroid Issues Related to Inflammation?

Reader Question: Have other hypothyroid / Hashimoto’s people done your protocols and seen improvements in their symptoms?

Answer: Yes! You may want to listen to this Thyroid Answers podcast where I talk a lot about thyroid issues with Dr. Eric Balcavage, or this episode of Save My Thyroid with Dr. Eric Osansky.

I believe that most symptoms are due to inflammation. Therefore, most symptoms will recede or disappear simply by reducing inflammation and eliminating inflammatory triggers.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? But if wondering where and how to start is keeping you paralyzed from overwhelm and confusion, then it’s time to join my Inflammation Connection Community!

Check out this Guide or this Page to learn more about how joining this community could literally change your life, and then join us in the SLEUTH level or above for access to weekly Wednesday Wellness coaching sessions and targeted solutions for addressing inflammation from Hashimoto’s, Graves Disease, or other thyroid or inflammatory issues!

Want some direction about the right program level for you? See the FAQs or book a complimentary Naturopathic Health Assessment with me here to talk it over!

Parasites May Trigger Thyroid Issues Such As Graves’ or Hashimoto’s

The longer I run my clinic, the more convinced I am that hidden parasitic infection may be at the root of many chronic conditions. In this talk with thyroid specialist Dr. Eric Osansky, we discuss how parasites may be triggering symptoms of Graves’ Disease and Hashimoto’s.