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Tag: Happy Client

Inflammation Investigator Testimonial from Kim Emerson

MY TESTIMONY by Kim Emerson

My health journey with Elizabeth Yarnell began a year ago, in January 2021. I spent the previous three years recovering from a severe case of Shingles that seemed to trigger an unstable, erratic nerve response, ongoing gut issues, fatigue, as well as undetermined skin irritations/hives. It was then, with my mental and emotional state-of- mind at an all-time low, I began to explore more of a holistic approach to my symptoms, after numerous medical tests performed by an allergist and a dermatologist came up negative. A close friend of mine suggested I go online and take the opportunity to schedule a 90-minute virtual visit with Elizabeth Yarnell, which ultimately proved to change the direction of my health for the better.

Elizabeth Yarnell, began with a series of questions, then followed-up with tests including blood work, a ten-day parasite protocol and the utilization of a daily food symptom diary. After those results were reviewed, we had our first ZOOM meeting to decipher the findings. It was interesting to find out that, while I had been eating “clean and healthy” foods for over two years, I actually had mild to severe food sensitives to many of them. There it was in black-and-white… symptoms were not caused by my mental or emotional state, but from what I was eating! It was a relief really-I understood that by changing my diet, I could change my life.

During the four-month program, under Elizabeth’s close guidance, my perspective began to adjust as I experienced small steps toward improvement with my skin, fatigue and brain fog. Elizabeth Yarnell’s personal experience, the implementation and customization of the LEAP ImmunoCalm Diet Program, along with her uncompromising support and confirmation that I was making progress, proved invaluable. She responded to my communication in an empathetic, encouraging way, helping me to maintain my commitment to new healthy habits, even offering links to delicious menu options. My transformation in just under a year has been no less than miraculous!

I think one of the most beneficial aspects of the LEAP Program and the patented cooking process she introduced me to in her “Glorious One-Pot Meals” cookbook, was the comprehensive approach, using targeted adjustments, that helped create a lifestyle that will serve me for years to come. Participating in and taking responsibility for my own well-being has been rewarding and having Elizabeth Yarnell patiently walk me through the process demonstrated her genuine pledge to support me through my journey. I will be forever grateful for her kindness, dedication and optimism as she assisted me in navigating through one of the most difficult times in my life.

Thank you for everything Elizabeth! You have been such an inspirational figure in my life and because of you, I look forward to what adventures await me in 2022!