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Tag: genetically modified breakfast cerals

10 Popular Breakfast Cereals that Contain GMOs recently posted a list of the top 10 common breakfast cereals that are most likely to contain GMOs. It’s a pretty interesting list so I thought I’d share it with you, too.

If you are waking up to the public health disaster that is GMOs in our food supply and trying to avoid all things genetically modified, then it takes some sleuthing to be aware when something contains GM ingredients. Wouldn’t it be great if products that contained GMO ingredients had to be labeled as such?! We have a right to know what we’re eating!

Visit the NaturalNews post to see how this list was compiled.

10 Popular Breakfast Cereals That Most Likely Contain Genetically Modified (GMO) CornGMO corn flakes

  • General Mills Cocoa Puffs
  • General Mills Corn Chex
  • Kellogg’s Frosted Flakes
  • Quaker Honey Grahm Ohs
  • General Mills Honey Nut Chex
  • Kashi Heart To Heart
  • Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
  • Kellogg’s Corn Pops
  • General Mills Kix
  • Barbara’s Bakery Puffins Peanut Butter