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Tag: ewg clean 15

Picking Good Avocados

My mother-in-law has complained that the avocados she buys are bruised and spotted when she cuts them open that evening. My trick is to buy avocados before they are ripe, when they are firm and more resistant to bruising, and then to let them ripen over the following few days at home where they won’t be jostled and damaged. Avocados are ready to eat when they give slightly to a gentle squeeze.avacado

Avocados are on the Environmental Working Group’s list of the Clean Fifteen, those non-organic fruits and vegetables that are the least contaminated by pesticides, so you don’t have to feel guilty about taking advantage of those 10 for $10 specials when they come around.

Organic or not, always wash avocados and other fruit before slicing through the skin to remove grime, pesticides, bacteria, and parasites.