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Tag: Dutch oven cooking on a grill

Glorious One-Pot Meals over a campfire?

Reader question: LOVE the recipes! They rock! I used to hate cooking & now I don’t mind! Thnk u. Going camping & wondering: Can I use the dutch oven/recipes over a campfire? If so, do you have any hints for grill or open fire cooking? Thank you! ~ Lisa J., San Diego, CA

Hi Lisa. I’m thrilled to hear you are enjoying Glorious One-Pot Meals! While I’ve never personally prepared GOPMs over a campfire or on a grill, I know readers who do so regularly with great success.

My recommendations:

  • Choose a recipe without dry goods like pasta or rice. I would think a combination like potatoes, meat and veggies with spices would work perfectly. My “Rosemary Chicken” or “Dinner for Dad” GOPM recipes come to mind
  • In a campfire, nestle the Dutch oven into the coals and pile more coals around the sides and on top, so the heat comes from all sides.
  • On a gas grill you can control the temperature and shoot for 450 F with the lid closed. If you are using a charcoal grill, I might suggest you remove the grate and settle the Dutch oven into the coals, as you would in a campfire.
  • Use a non-enameled seasoned cast iron Dutch oven. Although the enamel is fired on at 1400 degrees, much hotter than your typical campfire, I don’t know if it might become discolored or stained if used with coals.

Have you prepared a Glorious One-Pot Meal over a campfire or on a grill? Tell us how it went by leaving a Comment below!