Join Denver area MDs, RNs, LPNs, NPs, PAs, PTs, OTs, MSWs & other healthcare professionals for a can’t-miss continuing education event on Friday, March 1st, 2019, featuring relevant topics that you care about presented by nationally recognized healthcare experts in a live, interactive format!
This event begins with Commander Mary Kelly US Navy (ret) speaking about how to Master Your Healthcare World, followed by my presentation on The Inflammation Influence: How Hidden Inflammation Affects the Way we Look, Feel, Think, and Act.
It’s a free event but you must register as space is limited!
My talk, beginning at 3:30 pm, will cover:
- Understanding what is Hidden Inflammation and what causes it
- Recognizing how Hidden Inflammation affects our thoughts, behaviors, and actions
- Becoming familiar with ways to reduce Hidden Inflammation naturally and “de-flate” so that we can look better, feel better, and think more clearly
Who should come?
Physicians (MDs & DOs)
Registered Nurses (RNs)
Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs)
Nurse Practitioners (NPs)
Physician Assistants (PAs)
Physical Therapists (PTs)
Occupational Therapist (OTs)
Therapy Assistants (PTAs & COTAs)
Administrators & Executive Directors
Director of Nursing (DONs)
Social Workers (MSWs)
Medical Billers & Coders
Marketing & Sales Professionals
Other Non-Clinical Role
Hope to see you there!