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Tag: chicken

Chicken Split Pea Soup Recipe

Last week I saw a bin of yellow split peas at the grocery store and thought: I should make a split pea soup! So, when our freezer thawed and I had a bunch of thawed chicken on my hands, that’s exactly what I did.

Chicken Split Pea Soup
Chicken Split Pea Soup

I’m sorry to say that I can’t give you exact measurements for this recipe because I was really winging it on the fly, but I can give you the general idea of how I made it.

First I chopped up an onion and a few cloves of garlic and sauteed them in olive oil in a large soup pot.

After a few minutes, I added about 2 quarts of cold water, around 4 cups of dried yellow split peas, 6 whole chicken breasts, and 2 bunches of fresh multi-hued carrots from the farmer’s market.

I brought it up to a boil and then reduced it to a simmer for almost two hours, until the split peas were softened and the chicken was cooked.

Using a slotted spoon, I removed the chicken and  carrots to a dish while used my immersion blender to pureé the soup to a smooth consistency. I sliced up the chicken and carrots and returned them to the soup and seasoned with sea salt, white pepper, and turmeric.

My goal was to make enough to freeze for the winter nights ahead, so keep that in mind when considering amounts to use.


What’s the Best Form of Chicken for a Glorious One-Pot Meal?

Question from a reader about using chicken in Glorious One-Pot Meals:

Aloha Elizabeth, When the recipe says, 1/2 lb chicken breast, can I cut it up or
do I have to use it whole? I’ve made your delicious: Yucatan Fish, Flageolets and Sausage,
Pasta Tricolore, Southwestern Quinoa, and Springtime Paella.
Tonight it will be the Savory Port-Mushroom Chicken.
– Mahalo, Rudy P., Melbourne, FL

Hi Rudy!

Glad to hear you’ve enjoyed so many yummy GOPMs!

You can use any form of chicken you’d like. Boneless skinless breasts, bone-in skin-on thighs, sliced fajita strips… any way you prefer will work just fine. You can even put boneless chicken in frozen, as long as it is frozen in pieces rather than a huge mass, and it won’t change your cooking time.

Enjoy the Savory Port-Mushroom Chicken recipe — I just had a family of a single dad and two teen boys rave about how Glorious One-Pot Meals has turned their dad into a great cook. They told me it was their favorite recipe in the book!

Happy cooking!