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Summer Salads

One of my favorite meals is what Elaine on Seinfeld called the “big salad”.

The foundation is lettuce, this time picked fresh from my lettuce garden, and then I add a bunch of yummy stuff to it to make it exciting.

June salad

Yesterday’s salad started with three kinds of lettuce from my garden (romaine, red leaf, and green leaf), chopped. My uncle in NYC is addicted to a chopped salad place, where they literally chop the salad and all the fixins’. Sometimes a simple change like chopping lettuce leaves instead of ripping them can change the eating experience. Funny how that happens.

Then I added half of an avocado, half of an heirloom tomato, and 3 sliced baby portabello mushrooms. I sprinkled it with shelled sunflower seeds, crumbled some feta on top, then tossed the wholeAnnie's goddess dressing thing with Annie’s Naturals Goddess Dressing (one of my favorites!).

Simply said: it was excellent. The soft creaminess of the avocados contrasted to the crunchy seeds, the earthiness of the mushrooms countered the salty feta, and heirloom tomatoes are a treat in and of themselves, particularly in this time of the great tomato scare.

Notice how the chopped lettuce integrates evenly with the rest of the ingredients? A chopped salad is really fun to eat.

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