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Study Finds Link between MS and Food Allergies

Study Finds Link between MS and Food Allergies

A study published in the Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry has found that patients with multiple sclerosis who have food allergies had more relapses and a higher likelihood of gadolinium-enhancing lesions than patients with no known allergy.

They assessed more than 1,300 adults with clinical MS and MRI-confirmed disease activity who had a self-reported history of allergic conditions.

The authors of the study suggest this could “lead to new therapeutic and preventative strategies for MS.” In the meantime, they recommend that clinicians counsel their MS patients who have food allergies on preventing or reducing exposures to offending foods.

I couldn’t agree more!

And may I add: What took you so long to figure this out?

If you have MS, you don’t need to wait for your doctor to get up-to-speed!

A recent study showed that medical doctors don’t receive enough training on nutrition and diet in medical school to begin with, so it’s unlikely that they are even aware of the major role that I find diet plays in the progression of MS.

Join me in the future of #MS care in the Fight MS with Food project.* Not only will you benefit from a customized antioliogenic diet designed to reduce inflammatory activity, but you’ll be adding to our collective understanding of how best to help people with MS live long, active, and healthy lives.

Book a complimentary Naturopathic Health Assessment today to see if you are a good candidate for this radically different, natural approach to living with MS.

*Participation in the Fight MS with Food project requires purchase of a treatment package.



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