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Should People With MS Consume Dairy Products?

“Studies indicate that MS rates are elevated in populations where a lot of cow’s milk is consumed,” notes professor of neuroanatomy and renowned expert on multiple sclerosis Stefanie Kürten from the Institute of Anatomy at University Hospital Bonn. And now her research has proven that the proteins in milk can trigger autoimmune responses in those with multiple sclerosis.

While anecdotal evidence has long suggested that many MS patients don’t well after drinking milk or eating dairy products, Professor Kürten’s research team found electron microscopy evidence of damage to the insulating layer around the nerve fibers, the myelin, in mice exposed to milk proteins.

This correlates with my own clinical experience designing anti-inflammatory dietary therapies for people with MS or other autoimmune conditions.

Not to mention my personal experience with losing tolerance to dairy products in my early 20s. I remember going out for brunch with a date and enjoying a creamy pumpkin soup, only to be completely incapacitated to the point where I had to ask him to drive me home in my own car while I lay moaning in pain on the back seat. What a nightmare!

Have you ever had an experience like that after consuming something containing cow’s milk? Please share in the comments below!

Curious as to what else might be triggering your inflammatory symptoms? Book a complimentary naturopathic health assessment with me to talk about how advanced food sensitivity testing and customized dietary therapy could help you reclaim your health and look forward to a brighter future.

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