Have you ever thought to ask yourself: “Is my frying pan safe?”
New research suggests that as many as 70% of all Americans may be unknowingly using a frying pan laced with a WWII military grade chemical… and over 266 scientists and counting are sounding the alarm that this stuff needs to be banned.
Has it been? No.
Cos’ big chemical companies profits come first.
This nasty chemical may be lurking in the cookware of up to 70% of all Americans kitchen cupboards. And it has been shown to be linked to:
⚠️ Birth Defects
⚠️ Hyperthyroidism
⚠️ Autoimmune Diseases
⚠️ Testicular & Kidney Cancer
⚠️ & Even Obesity
To see if your family is at risk read more here. There’s even a quick 3 minute test you can do to see if your cookware is safe.
I’ve been trying out the P600 Ceramic fry pans for about a year now and can honest say that they have become our favorite frying pans, even surpassing our long beloved enameled cast iron Le Creuset frying pans.
Not only are these frying pans lightweight and easy to handle, but they are truly non-stick. Seriously, I can fry an egg without a drop of oil and not only does the cooked egg slide off onto a plate, but the pan wipes clean with a gentle wipe of a sponge.
Not only do they make frying foods a dream, but you can be sure that you’re not leaching undesirable chemicals into your foods. A win-win.