When was the last time your meal was vegetarian, i.e., didn’t include any meat? If it has been a while, you may want to make it a point this month to eat a few meatless meals. And not just because it’s National Vegetarian Month.
In fact, there are lots of great reasons to abstain from eating meat at least now and then. Not only has a plant-based diet been found to be health-giving and leading to a longer life, but there’s an additional environmental benefit when we don’t contribute to the huge industrial machine that raises most of the animals Americans eat as food.
The best part is that you don’t have to completely abandon meat to appreciate these positive effects; simply focusing more on vegetables than meat in your daily life can make a difference in how you feel every day.
For some inspiration, try out these delicious meat-free Glorious One-Pot Meals that were first published in Vegetarian Times magazine in October, 2007. My favorite from this collection may be the “Potato & Chickpea Curry with Rice”. Let me know your thoughts!