Along with the crocuses I see popping their heads through the snow in my neighborhood, I see dry, scaly patches on my daughter’s knuckles, and hear complaints about itchy legs and torsos. Yep, spring brings dry skin along with allergies to help us enjoy the season.
I’ve been experimenting with different lotions, oils, and salves for my daughter’s eczema patches to see what is most effective for her body. I’ve found a few things to be extremely helpful in hydrating her skin and restoring it to a comfortable and balanced condition.
A friend of mine gave us some Weleda Skin Food – For Dry and Rough Skin, a heavy-duty lotion that does a great job overnight when I rub it into specific spots of eczema as well as over her whole body.
We’ve also had good results with Weleda Calendula Diaper Care. This was one of my favorite baby care products: you slather it on a red baby bottom and it works like magic! When we use it on her knuckles, however, it’s a bit too oily to be exposed during sleeping so we pull on cotton gloves while it absorbs. It still works like magic, though sometimes it takes repeated applications.
My friend’s husband saw great results battling his eczema using Tea Tree 100% Pure Essential Oil. Tea Tree oil has wonderful anti-bacterial properties as well as healing components, and should be the first line of care for eczema patches that have been rubbed raw and/or have open wounds.
Many people use pure coconut oil to moisturize their skin with great results. While not a sunscreen, coconut oil is a great after-sun skin saver, too.
When I lived in Italy, I noticed that the Italians used olive oil to moisturize everything from lips to skin and hair. I did a few hot olive oil hair treatments while I was there, though my roommates complained about the oily residue I left in the shower. The price of beauty!
The most amazing eczema cure I’ve witnessed came from homeopathy. My poor friend suffered terrible eczema for years all over her face and body. She would be so miserable that all she could do was take oatmeal baths to get some relief. Finally, she spent some time working with a knowledgeable homeopath and they were able to find the right remedy to bring her body back in balance. You’ll need to work directly with a homeopath and/or naturopath to get these kinds of results as homeopathy takes many factors into account and each person is different. She has had clear skin now for about a decade.