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Natural Remedies for Itchy Scalp, Dandruff

Every year around tax time my head starts itching. Coincidence?

Maybe. I would imagine the stress can’t help, though I suspect it has more to do with the quick changes in barometric pressure that accompany the march of the seasons around here.

Whatever. All I know is that my scalp itches and I seem to have a bunch of dry skin flakes that rain down when I relent and scratch to my heart’s content. Yeah, I know: very sexy. A bit distracting, too, I must admit. It reminds me that its time to do a scalp treatment and clear this up.

A scalp treatment is something that I love to get done at an Aveda salon in flush times, but I always keep a bottle of Aveda Active around for a do-it-yourself quickie whether I have the time and money for a salon visit or not. Here’s what I do:

I pour some Aveda Active serum into a small applicator bottle with a pointed tip and drizzle it onto each part in my hair, and then use my fingertips to massage it into the line of exposed scalp. Using my fingers or a tail comb, I separate my hair into thin sections, working from the front crown areas and moving toward each ear, then across the back of my head. This is much easier (and more relaxing!) to have done by someone else at an Aveda salon, particularly if you have a dense thicket of hair as I do, but I usually end up doing it myself at home, which works, too.

Once it’s applied over my entire head, I do an all over scalp massage to spread it around and use a wide-bristle, forgiving hairbrush with knobby-ended bristles to further stimulate the scalp, loosen dead skin cells, and spread the oils.

Aveda Active contains Jojoba oil, Menthol, and Wintergreen oil. It’s invigorating, refreshing, cleansing, and awakening. I’ve been told it encourages hair growth. It might, but more importantly it clears away all the dead skin and buildup that accumulate over the year and makes the itching go away. You’ll feel the tingling. I love it!

I usually follow up a scalp treatment with a cleansing shampoo to remove all the debris I’ve loosened and finish with a deep conditioning product that sometimes recommends heating the conditioner for a more effective treatment.

Once I do this, voila! No more itching, flakes, or dull hair.

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