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Miso Soup

Miso soupMiso soup is one of the easiest comfort foods I whip up. In my single life, I would use a dried packet of miso soup — just add hot water, how much easier could eating get?

Now I like to keep a tub of miso paste (find it at the health food store in the refrigerated section near the tofu), bring some water to a boil and stir in a few tablespoons full of miso paste along with a handful of dried  Wakame (seaweed) shreds, some squeezed cubes of tofu, sliced scallions, a few sliced mushrooms and carrots and anything else I might have around. Still, super quick and easy to get on the table for dinner.Wakame

Seaweed is packed with everything from iron to calcium. It’s rich in minerals because it grows, you guessed it, in the mineral-rich waters of the ocean.

I made this batch of soup on the mild side so that my kids wouldn’t get turned off by a too strong miso flavor, which can sometimes be overwhelming. Control the flavor by how much miso paste you add.

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