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Laid off? Hit the gym!

The population of regulars at my Jazzercise center has increased noticeably recently. Chatting with these newcomers tells me that most of them have been “downsized” from their jobs and are taking the opportunity to get themselves in shape. Some are attending classes several times a day, while most are attending multiple times each week. I have been impressed.

What a great idea! Take the loss of a job as a gift of time to focus on your health! When else are you going to have as much free time to hang out at the gym? Think of all the benefits: lose weight, get more energy, enjoy a better outlook on life, live a longer life…

I recently read a fun novel where the main character took an early exit package from her company and discovered happiness by using the time to start exercising regularly (walking) and turning a hobby into a business. Along the way, she finds some new friends and expands her horizons. If you’re looking for a feel-good novel starring some uppity middle-aged women, this one was recommended by Barbara Kingsolver.

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