I’ve been appalled recently to see some tv ads touting the nutritional benefits of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The ads claim that there is no difference between HFCS and sugar and are blatant attempts to change the public’s perception of what we know to be true.
These ads are put out by Sweet Surprise, a billion-dollar lobbying campaign run by the Corn Refiners Association. The corn industry is, should we say, freaking out over the fact that consumption of high fructose corn syrup dropped by almost 3 pounds/person/year from 1995-2005. Great news for the health of America, not so good news for people who make billions from the sale of corn byproducts.
Don’t be fooled: high fructose corn syrup does NOT metabolize the same way that sugar does. Found in most sodas, the effects of drinking HFCS are more like freebasing sugar than eating a comparable amount.
According to Dr. Mercola: “Part of what makes HFCS such an unhealthy product is that it is metabolized to fat in your body far more rapidly than any other sugar, and, because most fructose is consumed in liquid form, its negative metabolic effects are significantly magnified.”
Medical research has long confirmed the detrimental effects that high fructose corn syrup has on the body. Knowledge is power. Don’t let the slick advertisements fool you into undermining your health. You know better. Read the labels and try to steer clear of high fructose corn syrup wherever it sneaks into your diet.