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Grain-free Recipes for Glorious One-Pot Meals

Reader question: I was looking for chicken recipes and I happened on one that used a Dutch oven, and further searching for   recipes for Dutch ovens brought me to your book. How can I adjust your recipes so they can be made without grains or pasta? ~B.

Hi B. Thanks for writing with your great question. In fact, any Glorious One-Pot Meal can be made with or without grains or pasta. The beauty of this cooking method is that your meal can be any way you want it to be because every ingredient is every Glorious One-Pot Meal is substitutable or omit-able.

What I mean is that you can substitute any protein for any protein, any veggie for any veggie, or any carb for any other carb. If you don’t want to include grains/pasta in a recipe, then by all means just leave them out.

Remember, though, if you are looking at a GOPM recipe that includes grains or pasta (what I refer to as “dry goods”), any you are going to leave them out, you will no longer need the liquid in the recipe that is just there to hydrate those dry goods, so leave that out, too.

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