We belong to a frozen food co-op and it is one of the best resources we have to practice effortless eating.
Every 6 months or so they come and load our freezer with individually-vacuum-sealed chicken breasts, hamburger patties, fish filets, pork tenderloins, turkey breasts, etc., as well as bags of organic frozen veggies and even some prepared foods of our choice. We determine the menu, everything is organic or as close to it as possible, and it’s less expensive than buying these things at the regular grocery store.
One of the best things about the Glorious One-Pot Meals cooking technique is that you can pull foods that are rock-solid frozen out of the freezer, toss them in your pot with some flavorings, and voila! You’ve got a complete and healthy meal that doesn’t take any longer to cook than if the ingredients were thawed first.
Here’s the company we use: Town & Country Foods. They are only active in some parts of the country. If you decide to join (it’s a membership), please mention that I sent you!