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Foil Packet Campfire Cooking with Glorious One-Pot Meal Recipes

Reader question: Elizabeth, have you ever tried any of your recipes as foil packs for a campfire????
~Natalie, Tega Cay, SC

Hi Natalie,
Thanks for your interest in Glorious One-Pot Meals! While I have certainly cooked some combinations (like to my Rosemary Chicken recipe) inside a foil packet buried in the coals, I think that the ones that would do best in that method would not contain dry goods like rice, pasta, or other grains. From my own experience, potatoes and other root vegetables work really well in the foil packet in the coals. I also know of some readers that place the whole cast iron Dutch oven into the coals with great success, though I have not done it myself.

Hope this is helpful!


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