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Event Type: Online Free Event

The 2024 Nutritional Wellness Summit

We’re in the midst of a major worldwide health crisis, chronic illness and disease are on the rise, and much of this is due to the food we eat.

Most people are eating food that is suboptimal for our long term health and in fact is fueling chronic diseases and illness such as Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.

But here’s the great news. The right foods, and the right lifestyle that is in alignment with your body’s specific needs can not only help protect you and your loved ones from chronic illness and disease but can help you to increase your life span and give optimal health for life.

Food Healed Me series

Hippocrates, the Greek physician who many credit as the “founding father of modern medicine” thousands of years ago, made the astounding connection with food and how it could heal the body when he was quoted as saying “let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”.

The Food Healed Me series features inspirational stories — including mine! — from real people all focused on how what you eat makes you feel.

If you already have a diagnosis get ready to find hope in these empowering stories and know that regardless of your prognosis that you have the power to heal yourself today with the food and lifestyle changes you make.

 For those of you who have not been diagnosed and perhaps not been making the most optimal food choices know that it is not too late to use food as medicine to help you prevent chronic illness and disease and not only live longer but healthier.

Parenting the Intensity Retreat

Parenting my high-intensity, highly-sensitive son demanded I learn a host of new skills in order to help him experience life… and for us to survive it! Even as an infant I had to recognize when his complaints were from physical issues like a wet diaper or emotional issues from over stimulation of  his senses. Anything from a loud noise to a scratchy tag could set him off. As he grew into childhood, we realized that traditional behavior modification strategies like sitting in a corner or escalating consequences did not work with him because they didn’t take his unique needs into account.

Which is why I’m so excited to participate in this unique 3-day virtual event to help parents of emotionally intense kids understand the real reasons behind your kids’ behaviors.

Parenting the Intensity Retreat

You can get all the details about the Parenting the Intensity Retreat over here, but as a quick overview:

  • The Parenting the Intensity Retreat runs from February 21st-23rd, 2024.
  • Each day will be packed with amazing speakers ready to help you decode your kid’s behavior.
  • There’s a pop-up Facebook group to make connections with the speakers and other parents.
  • The retreat is absolutely free to attend, but you can choose to grab the All Access Pass for bonus resources and an upgraded event experience (you’ll have the opportunity to grab it after registering to the free event).

Personally, I’m super excited to share the bonus I’m giving to the All Access Pass holders: A special Glorious One-Pot Meals for Kids ebook!

Don’t miss out! Grab your free ticket now!

Embrace Vitality

I am excited to be part of ‘Embrace Vitality: A Unique Journey to Holistic Health and Happiness!’

Embrace VitalityJoin me and a group of incredible experts as we explore the keys to well-being in health, mindset, finances, and more.

Mark your calendars for January 21st – 31st, 2024 and reserve your FREE spot now! Let’s embrace vitality together!