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Can Constipation Make You Crazy?

“Many neurologic and psychiatric disorders are associated with constipation,” noticed a neurology department in Copenhagen, Denmark, in a paper published in the Journal of Neurology and Neuropsychiatry.

Funnily enough, I have noticed the same thing in my own clinic.

Man sitting on the toilet

In fact, in my experience, dysfunctional bowels seem to accompany almost every neurologic and psychiatric issue as well as most-if-not-all autoimmune disorders.

But I have to disagree when the authors of the study conclude: “The physiology of the gut and the pathophysiology of constipation is very complex, and as the bowel function is mostly autonomic, the possibilities of specific treatment are limited.”

The secret to treating constipation is to look at is as a sign of inflammation rather than a deficiency in water, fiber, exercise, or laxatives.

Constipation or diarrhea, or both alternating… These are the signs of inflammation in the gut.

Non-injury-related inflammation can be correlated with white blood cell activity. White blood cells carry the inflammatory response through the bloodstream, making inflammation a system-wide condition. This means that inflammation levels in the gut correlate to inflammation levels in the brain.

Inflammation in the brain can alter moods, emotions, or behaviors. It can damage the myelin sheaths surrounding the nerves in the brain, as in Multiple Sclerosis. It can interfere with senses such as vision (optic neuritis), or thought processes (psychosis), or motor functions (Parkinson’s Disease). Constipation is a symptom of inflammation.

In fact, the connection to Parkinson’s Disease was seen from the beginning. “James Parkinson recognised gastrointestinal features in his original monograph published in 1817.”

It’s inflammation.

That’s why my Inflammation Influence protocols work not only to right a wayward bowel, but also improve neurologic and psychiatric issues as a welcome side effect.

Interested in seeing if you are a good candidate for finally taking control over your chronic constipation and/or diarrhea? Grab a complimentary naturopathic health assessment today and get ready to start enjoying more regular bowels!


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