The Campbell Soup Company said sales of its condensed soups were up by 6 percent and its ready-to-serve products were up 5 percent.
The statement, issued in September, 2008, noted that the company’s sales rose 13 percent to $1.72 billion during the quarter from $1.52 billion a year ago. Domestic soup sales were also strong during the quarter which covered a part of the year when soup consumption is usually low.
This news, along with other economic indicators such as increased library usage and a decrease in cosmetic surgery rates, tell me that discretionary income is disappearing and people are looking for ways to economize. Ways like using the library for online access and eating Cambell’s soup instead of eating out. While it may be news to our president, I’m sure it’s not news to you that our economy is in dire shape after eight years under his reign.
Now, I’m all about eating in. We watch our pennies like everyone else and rarely spring for a meal out these days.
My unease comes from knowing so many people are relying on canned, condensed soups, with all of the sodium, preservatives, and artificial additives that come with them. Not to mention the fat content!
In my fantasy world, people realize that throwing some items into a Dutch oven to flash cook can be almost as quick and easy as heating up a can of faux soup, but a lot better for you. It just takes a little bit more money and a little bit more time with a little bit more effort. The rewards for a few bucks and a few minutes are huge. Think of how much you’ll save on future health care bills by taking care of yourself now!